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Debugging Custom Scenarios Scans in UserWay's Accessibility Monitor
Debugging Custom Scenarios Scans in UserWay's Accessibility Monitor

UserWay’s Accessibility Monitor dashboard gives your team accessibility trends, actionable insights for your websites, and real-time alerts.

Updated over a week ago

UserWay's Accessibility Monitor allows users to create custom scanning scenarios. Custom Scenario Scan is a tool that allows developers to simulate user journeys through a website to ensure there are no accessibility issues. Multiple scenarios can be mapped at once and a detailed report is generated for any issues detected.

Introduction to building Custom Scenario Scans in UserWay's Accessibility Monitor:

Custom Scenario scans allow a developer to scan page components that require user interactions by users creating custom scenario scripts. A Scenario script in a nutshell is a simulation of user actions: mouse clicks and keyboard typing. Scenario scan performs the scan implicitly after all user actions have been completed. Meaning: if a particular user journey involves a login, navigation to a product page, and then navigating to the shopping cart, then the scan will only be performed on the final page (cart). If you need to scan multiple pages on a particular journey, you will need to create separate scenarios for them. A scenario consists of 3 parts: name, initial page URL, and scenario script. Authoring scenario scripts is similar to programming in a functional programming language. Scenario scripts are written by using standard JavaScript language plus a few high-level functions provided by our scenario SDK.

Please find our debugging guide below:

Step 1: In this scenario, we have intentionally changed the selector in line 4(to 'oops..'), to ensure the journey test will fail.

Broken scenario script - Screenshot

Step 2: See the sample test results after the journey test. After 10 - 15 seconds you should see a popup with an error message(s) and screenshot:

Sample Error report - Screenshot

Step 3: Once you close the popup, you can fix the selector to #submit_btn and Save your scenario by clicking on the Save & Close button.

Step 4: You can also edit your scenario scripts by clicking Edit scenario script in the sitemap list. The start page URL is not editable.

Edit Scenario Script - Screenshot

Note: Some updates to a website after a scenario script was developed (i.e. modified selectors) may lead to errors during a scenario runtime and result in a failed website scan.

Failed Scenario Scan - Screenshot

Next Step: On the failed scan page shown above, click on View Screenshot to see your code errors. An example is included below.

Learn more about Scenario Scanning: Introduction to building Custom Scenario Scans

If you have any questions, you can reach our support team at

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