UserWay's Accessibility Monitor allows users to create custom scanning scenarios. UserWay's Custom Scenario Scan is a tool that allows developers to simulate user journeys through a website to ensure there are no accessibility issues. Multiple scenarios can be mapped at once and a detailed report is generated for any issues detected.
Introduction to building Custom Scenario Scans in UserWay's Accessibility Monitor:
Custom Scenario scans allow a developer to scan page components that require user interactions by users creating custom scenario scripts. A Scenario script in a nutshell is a simulation of user actions: mouse clicks and keyboard typing. Scenario scan performs the scan implicitly after all user actions have been completed. Meaning: if a particular user journey involves a login, navigation to a product page, and then navigating to the shopping cart, then the scan will only be performed on the final page (cart). If you need to scan multiple pages on a particular journey, you will need to create separate scenarios for them. A scenario consists of 3 parts: name, initial page URL, and scenario script. Authoring scenario scripts is similar to programming in a functional programming language. Scenario scripts are written by using standard JavaScript language plus a few high-level functions provided by our scenario SDK.
Try it now for yourself by following the guide below:
Step 1: Add a new website to your Accessibility Monitor account. i.e.
Step 2: Wait for the SiteMap to be indexed
Step 3: Click Add scenario
Step 4: Populate the 3 required fields:
Name: Submit login form
Initial URL:
1. clickOnSelector('a[href="/form-auth.html"]')
2. typeInSelector('#user_name', 'demo')
3. typeInSelector('#user_pwd', '123123')
4. clickOnSelector('#submit_btn')
5. waitForSelector('.ng-binding', 1000)
6. waitForTimeout(3000)
Step 5: Click Test This Journey. Wait for 3-5 minutes. It may take a few minutes to complete. Once the journey test is completed, you should see another popup with the final page URL and with a screenshot of the final page in the scenario.
Learn more about debugging: Debugging Custom Scenarios Scans
Learn more about Scenario Scanning: Introduction to building Custom Scenario Scans
If you have any questions, you can reach our support team at