Note: This function is intended for end-users of the widget. To permanently move the widget's position, you must be logged in as an administrator via the dashboard.
How to move the widget position:
Open the widget interface: Click on the widget on the website that you wish to hide or move the widget.
Move/Hide Widget: On the footer of the widget, interface click on "Move/Hide Widget" to display the options
βSelect the position: Select between "Left"or "right" to move the widget on the website
How to move the Hide Widget:
Open the Widget Interface: Click on the widget on the website where you wish to hide or move it.
Move/Hide Widget: At the footer of the widget interface, click on "Move/Hide Widget" to display the available options:
βHide the Widget: Choose the duration to hide the widget for this browser: The current session, one day, one week, one month, or indefinitely: