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Ignore attributes
Updated over 2 months ago

Our Widget offers a range of customizations, but there may be instances where you want to disable specific features off applying changes to specific elements. In such cases, you can use the following HTML attributes.

These attributes must be applied directly to the target element and cannot be applied to any parent elements. Below are examples and the corresponding attributes for various widget features

  1. Line Height:
    Attribute: data-uw-ignore-s17
    Example usage:
    <p data-uw-ignore-s17>This is a paragraph with customized line height.</p>
    <span data-uw-ignore-s17>This is a span with customized line height.</span>

  2. Text Spacing:
    Attribute: data-uw-ignore-s14
    Example usage:
    <p data-uw-ignore-s14>This is a paragraph with customized text spacing.</p>
    <span data-uw-ignore-s14>This is a span with customized text spacing.</span>

  3. Contrast:
    Attribute: data-uw-ignore-s3
    Example usage:
    <p data-uw-ignore-s3>This is a paragraph with excluded contrast adjustment.</p>
    <span data-uw-ignore-s3>This is a span with excluded contrast adjustment.</span>

  4. Highlight Link:
    Attribute: data-uw-ignore-s6
    Example usage:
    <a href="#" data-uw-ignore-s6>This is a link with customized appearance.</a>

  5. Live Site Translation:
    Attribute: data-uw-ignore-translate="true"
    Example usage:
    <p data-uw-ignore-translate="true">This paragraph will not be translated.</p>
    <span data-uw-ignore-translate="true">This span will not be translated.</span>

  6. ​Hide Image:
    Attribute: data-uw-ignore-s25
    Example usage:
    ​<img src="example.jpg" alt="this image will not be hidden" data-uw-ignore-s25 />

If you require additional assistance, feel free to contact us at

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